Comments will be deemed inappropriate that are libelous, defamatory, indecent, obscene or vulgar, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive, racially, culturally, or ethnically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive, or which may appear to impersonate anyone else.
- Profanity, name-calling, vulgarity or sexually explicit in nature
- Derogatory remarks about the instructor’s religion, ethnicity or race, physical appearance, mental and physical disabilities.
- Claims that the instructor shows bias for or against a student or specific groups of students.
- Claims that the instructor has been or will be fired or suspended from their job.
- Claims that the instructor engages or has previously engaged in illegal activities
- Any piece of information including contact info that allows someone to identify a user of the site.
- Any piece of information about the instructor that is not available on his/her website or business cards or brochures and allows someone to contact them outside of where they work. This also includes remarks about the instructor’s family and personal life.
- Accusations that the instructor is rating themselves or their colleagues.
- Is written in a language other than English. (At least until expands).
These Posting Guidelines will be enforced and violations will result in either the rating’s comment being removed, or the entire rating being deleted.
Please do not flag a rating just because you disagree with it.
There is no differentiation between positive and negative comments. Please give only one comment per person per lesson.
- Be honest.
- Be objective in your assessment of the instructor.
- Limit your comments to the instructor’s professional abilities. Do not to get personal.
- Proof your comments before submitting. Poor spelling WILL NOT cause your rating to be removed; however, poor spelling may result in your rating being discredited by those who read it.
- Leave off your Name, Initials, Pseudo Name, or any sort of identifying mark when posting.
- Refer to the Rating Categories to help you better elaborate your comments.
- Remember that negative comments that still offer constructive criticism are useful. Comments that bash an instructor on a personal level are not.
- Submit helpful comments that mention instructor’s ability to teach and/or communicate effectively, ability to adapt to your skill level, any lesson aids that you found helpful or unhelpful during the lesson, or any other factors that you thought had some sort of impact, positive or negative, on your lesson experience.